Demore Park Management is run by elected Trustees. Please see below for a list of the roles and responsibilities the Trustees have.

Trustees Roles and Responsibilities


·         To abide by and deliver the purposes of the Trust Deed.

·         As Directors of Denmore Park Management Ltd to undertake the management and administration of the Amenity Lands.


·         To act in the common interest of the Plot Owners.

·         To take account of all votes and resolutions passed by the Plot Owners at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

·         At an Annual General meeting to:

o   Take account of all votes and resolutions passed by the Plot Owners in approving a proposed budget.

o   Provide a report of the previous years’ activities.

o   Appoint Trustees.

·         To undertake the actions necessary to implement specific items in the budget.

·         To decide upon the implementation of actions not included in the budget.

·         To communicate effectively with Plot Owners and residents.


·         In taking decisions to deliver their roles and responsibilities the Trustees will:

o   Determine if any proposed action is in the common interest of all Plot Owners.

o   Seek the opinion of the DPS&SC Committee and the Environment Committee as appropriate.

o   Take cognisance of the agreed budget and the urgency or otherwise of the action required.

o   Consult with a Plot Owner / Owners who might be directly affected by a potential decision.

o   Consult with all Plot Owners when deemed necessary.


The Trustees will be held accountable to the Plot Owners at each Annual General Meeting with respect to:

·         Delivery against the agreed budget.

·         Implementation of responsibilities and decisions taken.

·         The sanction available to Plot Owners is to remove a Trustee or Trustees at an AGM by:

o   Not re-appointing a retiring Trustee where the Trustee has indicated a willingness to continue.

o   Not appointing a Trustee co-opted between AGMs.

o   Special Resolution supported by 75% of all Plot Owners.


Rev 0 V 1.1 December 2021